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Practical Piano - Series One
Practical Piano - Series One
#1 Basic Harmony - Scales and Chords (10:49)
#2 Cadences - Inversions & Voice Leading Exercise (4:40)
#3 Adding Rhythm to the Cadences (7:57)
#4 Cadences - Rhythm, Inversions, Voice Leading (3:17)
#5 Improvisational Approach (3:08)
#6 Left Hand Stuff (4:31)
#7 Putting It All Together (2:18)
#8 Melodic Ideas - Chord Tones (7:01)
#9 Putting It Together Again - Chords and Chord Tone Melodies (2:24)
#10 Scale Melodies (7:44)
#11 Freely Connecting the Chord Tones (3:34)
#12 Putting It All Together With A Focus on Melodic Improvisation (2:17)
#1 Basic Harmony - Scales and Chords
This first video covers the major scale and the three main chords used to harmonize this scale.
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